Category Archives: News

Postdoctoral position available now!

Postdoctoral position in the Hermans Lab. We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow (> 4 years research experience & PhD degree) with a background in: physical chemistry // organic and/or supramolecular chemistry // physics (or related disciplines). You will be working in the emerging field of non-equilibrium supramolecular chemistry, where we push supramolecular assemblies out of equilibrium by using e.g. shear flows, thermal gradients or concentration gradients. There is little existing equipment to study these non-equilibrium structures and you will therefore have to develop / build (using e.g. photolithography) new instrumentation to 1) create non-equilibrium conditions and 2) study the resulting structures in situ. You will not do synthesis as we obtain molecules through one of our collaborations. Proficiency in the English language is required. Knowledge of UV, Fluorescence and CD spectroscopy and/or light scattering is desirable. Affinity with reaction-diffusion modeling and/or thermodynamics would be great, but is not required. Please send your CV and reference letters to the email address provide here (click here).

Lab to open March 1st 2013

The lab will start on March 1st 2013 and will be located on the 1st floor of ISIS (Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires). We will start recruiting undergraduate / master / graduate students & postdocs soon. Keep an eye on this site!