Google scholar profile (click here)
#: equal contributions, *: corresponding author
- T. M. Hermans, N. Singh. Chemically fueled Autonomous Sol–>Gel–>Sol–>Gel–>Sol transitions. 2023 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, e202301529
- A community effort to discover small molecule SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors. 2023 Molecular Informatics, 42:e202300262
- A. Sharko, B. Spitzbarth, T. M. Hermans, R. Eelkema. Redox-Controlled Shunts in a Synthetic Chemical Reaction Cycle. 2023 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 17, 9672–9678
- C. Chen, J. S. Valera, T. Adachi, T. Hermans*, Efficient photoredox cycles to control perylenediimide self‐assembly, 2022, Chem. Eur. J., e202202849
- A. Sharko, D. Livitz, S. De Piccoli, K. J. M. Bishop, T. M. Hermans*, Insights into Chemically Fueled Supramolecular Polymers, 2022, Chem. Rev., 122, 13, 11759–11777
- A. A. Dev, P. Dunne, T. M. Hermans, B. Doudin*, Fluid Drag Reduction by Magnetic Confinement, 2022, Langmuir, 38 (2), 719−726
- N.Singh, A. Lopez-Acosta, G.J.M. Formon, T.M.Hermans, Chemically fuelled self-sorted hydrogels, 2021, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144 (1), 410-415
- V.Montes‐García, R.Furlan de Oliveira, Y.Wang, A.Berezin, P.Fanjul‐Bolado, M.Begoña González García, T.M.Hermans, D.Bonifazi, S.Casalini, P.Samorì, Harnessing Selectivity and Sensitivity in Ion Sensing via Supramolecular Recognition: A 3D Hybrid Gold Nanoparticle Network Chemiresistor, 2021, Advanced Functional Materials, 2008554.
- V.Marichez, A.Sato, P.Dunne, J.Leira-Iglesias, G.J.M.Formon, M.K.Schicho, Feijter, P.Hébraud, M.Bailleul, P.Besenius, M.Venkatesan, J.M.D.Coey, E.W.Meijer, T.M.Hermans*, Magnetic control over the topology of supramolecular rod networks, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 11914–11918. Pre-print:
- P.Dunne, C.Fowley, G.Hlawacek, J.Kurian, G.Atcheson, S.Colis, N.Teichert, B.Kundys, M.Venkatesan, J.Lindner, A.M.Deac, T.M. Hermans, J.M.D.Coey, B.Doudin, Helium Ion Microscopy for Reduced Spin Orbit Torque Switching Currents, Nanoletters 2020, 20, 10, 7036–7042 (link). Pre-print:
- P.Dunne, T.Adachi, A.A.Dev, A.Sorrenti, L.Giacchetti, A.Bonnin, C.Bourdon, P.Mangin, J.M.D.Coey, B.Doudin, T.M.Hermans*, Liquid flow and control without solid walls, Nature 2020, 581, 58-62 (free to read). Pre-print:
– Featured by New Scientist magazine (link)
– Featured by C&EN (link)
– Featured by Physics World (link) - N.Singh*,B.Lainer,G.J.M.Formon,S.De Piccoli, T.M.Hermans*, Re-programming Hydrogel Properties using a Fuel-driven Reaction Cycle, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 4083-4087. Pre-print: ChemRxiv
- N.Singh#, G.J.M.Formon#, S.De Piccoli#, T.M.Hermans*, Devising Synthetic Reaction Cycles for Dissipative Non-equilibrium Self-assembly, Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 1906834.
- T.Butcher*, G.J.M.Formon, P.Dunne, T.M.Hermans, F.Ott, L.Noirez, and J.M.D. Coey, Neutron imaging of liquid-liquid systems containing paramagnetic salt solutions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2020, 116, 022405. Pre-print:
- Vincent Marichez, Alessandra Tassoni, Robert P. Cameron, Stephen M. Barnett, Ralf Eichhorn, Cyriaque Genet and Thomas M. Hermans *, Mechanical chiral resolution, Soft Matter 2019, 15, 4593-4608 (DOI: 10.1039/c9sm00778d).
- M.C.Bastings, T.M.Hermans, A.J.H.Spiering, E.W.L.Kemps, L.Albertazzi, E.E.Kurisinkal, P.Y.W. Dankers, Quantifying guest–host dynamics in supramolecular assemblies to analyze their robustness, Macromolecular Bioscience 2019, 19, 1800296 (
- J.Leira-Iglesias, A.Tassoni, T.Adachi, M.Stich, T.M.Hermans*, Oscillations, traveling fronts and patterns in a supramolecular system, Nature Nanotechnology 2018, 13, 1021–1027 (
– news and views:
– Chemistry world: - T.M.Hermans, C.Genet, T.Adachi, Spectroscopic polarimeter and method of polarization spectroscopic analysis, 2018, EP18306093.8 (patent pending)
- D.Spitzer#, V.Marichez#, G.J.M.Formon, P.Besenius*, T.M.Hermans*, Surface-assisted self-assembly of a hydrogel by proton diffusion, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57, 11349-11353 (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201806668)
– highlighted on Chemistry Views (link)
– post-print open-access (link)
- T.M.Hermans, A.Sorrenti, Magnetic molecules, 2018, EP18305042.6 (patent pending).
- T.M.Hermans, P.Dunne, J.M.D. Coey, B.Doudin, Device and method for circulating liquids, 2017, EP17305070.9 (patent pending, link).
- A.Sorrenti, J.Leira-Iglesias, A.Sato, T.M.Hermans*, Nature Communications 2017, 8:15899, Non-equilibrium steady-states in supramolecular polymerization (link).
- A.Sorrenti, J.Leira-Iglesias, A.J.Markvoort, Greef*, T.M.Hermans*, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2017, 46, 5476-5490, Non-equilibrium supramolecular polymerization (link).
- G.Ashkenasy, T.M.Hermans, S.Otto, A.F.Taylor, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2017, 46, 2543-2554, Systems Chemistry (link).
- T.M.Hermans*, Self-assembly: Materials from a peptide soup, Nature Nanotechnology (news & views), 2016, 11, 920-921 (link)
- J.Leira–Iglesias, A.Sorrenti, A.Sato, P.A.Dunne, T.M.Hermans*, Supramolecular pathway selection of perylenediimides mediated by chemical fuels, Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 9009-9012 (link) & (COVER)
- T.M.Hermans, A.Sato, V.Marichez, Method for chiral resolution and device therefor, 2016, WO2016020532 (link)
- T.M.Hermans, A.Sato, V.Marichez, Method for chiral resolution and device therefor, 2016, EP2982662 (link)
- T.M.Hermans, P.S.Stewart, B.A.Grzybowski, J.Phys.Chem.Lett, 2015, 6, 760-766, pH-oscillator Stretched in Space but Frozen in Time. (pdf)
- T.M.Hermans, K.J.M.Bishop, P.S.Stewart, S.H.Davis, B.A.Grzybowski, Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 5640, Vortex flows impart chirality-specific lift forces. (pdf)
- S.Huda, D.Pilans, M.Makurath, T.M.Hermans, K.Kandere‐Grzybowska, B.A.Grzybowski, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2014, 1, 1400158, Microfabricated Systems and Assays for Studying the Cytoskeletal Organization, Micromechanics, and Motility Patterns of Cancerous Cells. (pdf)
- H.T.Baytekin#, B.Baytekin#, T.M.Hermans, B.Kowalczyk, B.A.Grzybowski, Science, 2013, 341, 1368-1371, Control of surface charges by radicals as a principle of antistatic polymers protecting electronic circuitry. (pdf)
featured in Nature News (link)
featured in “this week in Science” in Science magazine (link)
featured on (link)
featured on (link)
- T.M.Hermans, D.Pilans, S.Huda, P.Fuller, K.Kandere-Grzybowska, B.A.Grzybowski, Integrative biology, 2013, 5, 1464-1473, Motility efficiency and spatiotemporal synchronization in non-metastatic vs. metastatic breast cancer cells. (pdf)
- T.M.Hermans, H.Frauenrath, F.Stellacci, Science, 2013, 341, 243-244, Droplets out of equilibrium. (pdf)
featured in “this week in Science” in Science magazine (link)
- E.S.Cho, J.Kim, B.Tejerina, T.M.Hermans, H.Jiang, H.Nakanishi, M.Yu, A.Z.Patashinski, S.C.Glotzer, F.Stellacci, B.A.Grzybowski, Nature Materials, 2012, 11, 978-985, Ultrasensitive detection of toxic cations through changes in tunneling current across films of “striped” nanoparticles. (pdf) + (COVER)
featured in Nature Materials News and Views (link)
New “Nano-Velcro” Provides Affordable Mercury Testing (link)
‘Nano-Velcro’ detects mercury pollution in water (link)
Nano-velcro clasps heavy metal molecules in its grips (link)
Economic method measures toxic metals in fluids (link)
Scientists develop method to test for heavy metals (link)
Researchers Devise Nano-Velcro to Detect and Trap Mercury in Water Bodies (link)
- P.Y.W. Dankers, T.M.Hermans, T.W.Baughman, Y.K.Kamikawa, R.E.Kieltyka, M.M.C.Bastings, H.M.Janssen, N.A.J.M.Sommerdijk, A.Larsen, M.J.A. van Luyn, A.W.Bosman, E.R.Popa, G.Fytas, E.W.Meijer, Advanced Materials, 2012, 24, 2703-2709, Hierarchical formation of supramolecular transient networks in water: a modular injectable delivery system (pdf)
- S.Han#, T.M.Hermans#, P.E.Fuller, Y.Wei, B.A.Grzybowski, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 2662-2666, Transport into MOFs from solution is not purely diffusive (pdf)
- P.Besenius, K.P. van den Hout, H.M.H.G.Albers, T.F.A. de Greef, L.L.C.Olijve, T.M.Hermans, B.F.M. de Waal, P.H.H. Bomans, N.A.J.M.Sommerdijk, G.Portale, A.R.A.Palmans, M.H.P. van Genderen, J.A.J.M.Vekemans, E.W.Meijer, Chemistry – a European Journal, 2011, 17, 5193-5203, Controlled supramolecular oligomerisation of C3-symmetrical molecules in water: the impact of hydrophobic shielding (pdf)
- S.Galeazzi#, T.M.Hermans#, M.Paolino, M.Anzini, L.Mennuni, A.Giordani, G.Caselli, F.Makovec, E.W.Meijer, S.Vomero, A.Cappelli, Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11, 182-186, Multivalent supramolecular dendrimer-based drugs (pdf)
- T.M.Hermans, M.A.C.Broeren, N.Gomopoulos, P. van der Schoot, M.H.P. van Genderen, N.A.J.M.Sommerdijk, G.Fytas, E.W.Meijer, Nature Nanotechnology, 2009, 4, 721-726, Self-assembly of soft nanoparticles with tunable patchiness (pdf)
featured on C2W (link) + cover of magazine (link)
- T.M.Hermans, M.A.C.Broeren, N.Gomopoulos, A.F.Smeijers, E.N.M. van Leeuwen, M.R.J.Vos, P.C.M.M.Magusin, P.A.J.Hilbers, M.H.P. van Genderen, N.A.J.M.Sommerdijk, G.Fytas, E.W.Meijer, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 15631, Stepwise non-covalent synthesis leading to dendrimer-based assemblies in water (pdf)
- T.M.Hermans#, J.Choi#, B.G.G.Lohmeijer, R.C.Pratt, H-C.Kim, R.M.Waymouth, J.L.Hedrick, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 6648, Application of solvent-directed assembly of blockcopolymers to the synthesis of nanostructured materials with low dielectric constants (pdf)
- J.Choi#, T.M.Hermans#, B.G.G.Lohmeijer, R.C.Pratt, G.Dubois, J.Frommer, R.M.Waymouth, J.L.Hedrick, Nano Letters 2006, 6, 1761, Monolayers organosilicate toroids and related structures: a phase diagram for templating from blockcopolymers(pdf) + (COVER)
- M. de Geus, J.Peeters, M.Wolffs, T.M.Hermans, A.R.A.Palmans, C.E.Koning, A.Heise, Macromolecules 2005, 38, 4220, Investigation of factors influencing the chemoenzymatic synthesis of blockcopolymers (pdf)