We are urgently looking for:
1) Recently graduated MSc students in chemistry to work on any of our topics (see Research). The student should have a diploma from a Spanish university, have grades in the top 10-20% of your cohort, have a DNI / NIE, and digital signature. Please reach out as soon as possible! You will enroll in a 3-4 year PhD program at the Autonomous University of Madrid, but will work full time at IMDEA Nanociencia. Deadline extended! You can still apply!
2) Postdoc to work on chemically fuelled supramolecular polymers to achieve micro-meter scaled supramolecular robots. This is funded by our latest ERC-Consolidator Grant. Your background is in chemical reactions cycles, supramolecular polymers, microfluidics, confocal microscopy (or a combination of those, or related to those). See contact for instructions on preparing a good application. Deadline is extended.
3) Postdoc to work on dissipative self-assembly of perylenediimide derivatives controlled by electrochemical oxidation and reduction. You should be handy in the fabrication of electrochemical setups and be able to introduce electrochemistry to our team. Thorough knowledge of supramolecular self-assembly / supramolecular polymers is required. See contact for instructions on preparing a good application. Deadline is extended.